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hfsart.GIF (2424 bytes) Magic Color Erasers
& Replacers

Clipart tips on how to get started with clipart and some simple tricks the professionals use to make the kind of art they want. Step by step tutorials for working and playing with clipart.  Tutorials that our support staff have found useful in helping our customers get their projects done more easily. Plus answers to clipart questions you were afraid to ask.

  1. Working magic with color erasers or replacers
  2. Using the color eraser tool in Windows 95/98 Paint.
  3. Using the color replacer tool in PC Paintbrush Designer and Photo Paint

ropet.GIF (939 bytes)

1. Working magic with color erasers or replacers

Replacing one color with another color in a graphic image with Windows 95 & 98 Paint, or PC Paintbrush Designer can be easier than you think.  Forget painting one pixel at a time except in tight places.  There is a little-known trick in each of these programs that will greatly speed things up. 

For these tricks to work in Paint your video mode and graphics should match.  With the video mode set to 16 colors, save your graphic as a 16 color bitmap.  If your video is set at 256 colors, save your graphic as a 256 color bitmap.  Paint is a sensitive program, if it is not working correctly you can probably expect other video problems to soon show up in your system.  PC Paintbrush Designer is not as finicky (but is a very old program). If you are lucky enough to find it on the shelf with the $9.99 to $12.00 CDs it is well worth the investment.  

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2. Using the color eraser tool in Windows 95/98 Paint.

With Windows Paint you select the Eraser Tool from the tool bar on the left then, select the target color by using the left mouse button to click on that color in the color palette.  Then with the right mouse button, select the color to be replaced from the color palette.  That is the color you want the affected pixels to become.  You select the target color or replacement color the same way you select the foreground and background colors for use with the drawing tools.  You can see the color palette at the bottom it starts out with two square boxes on the left with one box on top of the other and the colors to the right.  the box on top should be set to the color that you want to replace and the one on the bottom should be set to the color that you want it to become.  That is all there is to it.

If you have read that nifty little trick of replacing all occurrences of a color with another color in Paintbrush it does not work in the Windows 95 Paint program.
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3. Using the Color Replacer Tool in PC Paintbrush Designer & Photo Paint.

Open the Tool Bar if it is not already open select the Color Replacer tool on the tool Bar it is third from the bottom left it shows red and blue paint jars and a small arrow pointing to the blue jar.  Now select the color you want to be changed with the left mouse button, from the color palette. Now use the right mouse button to select the replacement color, you click on that color in the color palette.

In PC Paintbrush Designer or Photo Paint you have a Color tool bar with two square boxes with one box on top of the other.  The top box will match your left mouse button selection and the bottom box will match your right mouse button selection.  To make it real simple if you chose red with the left and blue with the right mouse button the cursor would change red to blue just like the button on the tool bar indicates. 

Once you've selected the target and replacement colors, you're ready to use the Color Replacer tool.  Then, you press the left mouse button while you drag the Color Replacer cursor across the portion of the image you want to change. When you do this, all pixels that match the target color change to the replacement color. All other pixels remain unchanged. 

If you want a larger tool to work with you have a Width Shape Range bar at the top so just adjust the arrows up and down as needed.

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